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Next Level Program

Next Level Program

by John Boehm

What does it mean to go to the next level? It seems that stores are full of books these days that promise to take a person from wherever they are to somewhere they want to go. They are filled with pages of just do this or don’t do that, but do they really get to the heart of things? Maybe.

We can trace our hurt, pain, and trauma in life back to broken relationships so it is of utmost importance to move forward through healthy relationships. The Next Level program we have developed is focused on helping an individual first understand who they are, how they became that person and how they can change their story. Next Level is about identifying and challenging our belief system and creating one that is authentic and that helps us move forward. This program adds plenty of life and coping skills and is practiced within a relationship setting. The Next Level program consists of a two-day power weekend within a group setting, and then several weeks of individual work with a counselor, mentor, or sponsor.

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