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It’s All About the Connections

It’s All About the Connections

by Alejandro Castillo

I was fresh out of rehab when I got introduced to the Cafe and Stephanie’s story and what she does for this community. I had insecurities and had some characteristics that I still needed to work on. Cafe and the beautiful people here helped me find myself by sticking by my side. Going to classes to work on myself, being honest and open minded, expressing myself and learning more about recovery and being around like-minded people helped me grow. It gave me the confidence to be me.

It’s all about the connections and the love you get here. There is no judgment and it’s a tribe. If you feel lost or if you feel broken and don’t feel welcome and you need to forgive yourself, you can let these people love you until you love yourself. One thing that took me time to realize is once you start doing the next right thing, blessings start to come. I no longer look at the past and I’m more motivated for the future. I’m not ashamed where I come from because if I didn’t go through those trials and tribulations, I wouldn’t be the man I am today, sharing this message of hope, love, honesty and living in peace and prosperity. Always be kind to one another and live for today, one day at a time, blessed and standing taller than yesterday….

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