Recovery Cafe

Recovery Circles, Coffee & Dinner

Sundays at 4:00 pm

Mondays & Tuesdays at 5:00 pm

Open Café

Monday – Thursday 1:00 to 4:00 pm

Peer Support

Our offices are open Monday through Thursday 9 am to 5 pm for peer support and help with resources.

Join John Boehm for a one-hour open discussion on the following topics:

Monday: Relapse Prevention

Recognizing the red flags that lead to relapse can help you avoid setbacks. With the right tools, you can take action before a relapse happens.

Tuesday: Beyond Recovery

How do you know you are in Recovery? John will present some profound yet simple ways for you to move forward so that you can live your best life.

Wednesday: Healthy Relationships

Gain a greater understanding of the dynamics in relationships. Develop characteristics necessary for healthy relationships while recognizing damaging toxic behaviors.

Thursday: Building Self-Esteem

John will discuss the importance of self-worth. Learn how to foster and build healthy self-esteem and self-confidence that improves your quality of life and opens new opportunities.

Friday: Stress Reduction

This class will focus on ways to reduce stress and anxiety and live a more balanced life.

Please call 541-326-1233 for class times and information.

Move your Body Series - Learn about yourself holistically while you’re in community.


The importance of learning about exercise and moving your body.

Qi Gong

Learning about our body’s natural energy sources and how we can use them for healing.


A series of fluid movements that help attain peace in the mind, body, and spirit.

Beyond Recovery Discussion Group

Tuesdays at 2 pm at 214 East Main

Reclaiming Lives Relapse Prevention


Thursday's 5:15 - 6:15 pm, Go & Grow Room 228 E. Main Street Medford

Each week Diana Hamilton holds a class helping women with the dynamics of a functional and dysfunctional relationship.
Each week brings a new topic and you can start anytime.

Reclaiming Lives Reflections

If you are not a member of a recovery circle but would like to join one, please come to the Café during the hours we are open. We’d love to meet you!.

Typical Treatment Journey

Recovery Cafe Support Journey