
Letter from the Executive Director, December 2023

by Stephanie Mendenhall

I’m so grateful to be a part of an organization where there is so much positivity. That may be hard to believe considering we are a group of individuals overcoming some of the hardest things people may ever go through.

Next Level Program

Next Level exemplifies how much Reclaiming Lives cares about the development and wellbeing of their members. The power weekend was exactly what I needed to evolve to a higher level of understanding of myself.

The Value of Giving Back

Community volunteers are a vital part of any nonprofit organization. They are especially valuable for Recovery Café, contributing to a sense of shared ownership and commitment to our mission.

What We Do

At Recovery Café we help people grow into their full potential without the use of drugs or alcohol.  Here are two of the services we offer: RECOVERY CIRCLES Members become deeply known and loved through connecting with their peers where they explore challenges, areas of growth or movement and set…

When I Think of Recovery

by Heidi James, Recovery Café Member & Jennifer James, Reclaiming Lives’ Staff

The broken road of addiction is deep and wide,
for both the ones struggling with substance use disorder and the ones who love them.